Doctrinal Concerns



In late 2006/early 2007 following on from PhD research into the Illuminati I began to notice recurring patterns in the literature that many churches (including ours) were studying. My concerns were informed by studies I conducted into

  • Neo-evangelicalism
  • The Emerging Church Movement (ECM) & the poor
  • “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge
  • Promise Keepers (PK)
  • The “System of the Beast” by Martha Lucia

I began to uncover a distinct agenda within the ECM and PK that resonated with the methods used by the Illuminati to control the “four corners of power”[1] (political, economic, theological, intellectual) that were predicated on

  • Gnosticism (personal spiritual evolution based on universal consciousness)
  • Mysticism[2]
  • Inter-spirituality (the combining of the worlds religions)[3]
  • Diaprax (achieving consensus among the body rather than using God’s word)
  • Mass compliance/holism/assimilation strategies

I began to raise concerns initially about Wild at Heart because I knew John Eldredge was part of the ECM and that his second book included the title of a Promise Keepers publication – The masculine Journey.

At the time I did not think that Rick Warren shared a similar agenda although I did know that many of the pastors referred to on his website were part of ECM and that some (Robert Schuller) were Freemasons. The Purpose Driven Life is so well nuanced that the New Age/New Theology sub-text appears to be harmless.

In Mid-July 2008 two Christian friends approached me with very similar concerns about the same UK house church group. They were both worried about the “intolerance shown by leadership to non-compliance”.

These events occurred two days apart and I felt prompted by the Lord to explore “intolerance by leadership to non-compliance”. I was looking for anecdotal evidence of its occurrence within a house church group in the UK and was shocked when I was repeatedly referred to the Purpose Driven Church Paradigm (PDCP) popularised by Rick Warren in “The Purpose Driven Church” and “The Purpose Driven Life”.

When I explored non-compliance I was led to a number of critiques[4] of the PDCP including “Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven” by Berit Kjos. Chapter 4 is entitled “Dealing with Resisters” and is a manual for dealing with resisters and those who do not comply. Chapter 3 is entitled “Small Groups and the Dialectic Process”, which is a manual for ensuring consensus within small groups.

I also came across[5] the concentric circles used to model levels of commitment and assimilation modified by our church – I don’t think we were ever told its source

I had no idea until very recently that Peter Drucker not only mentored Rick Warren but helped him model the Purpose Driven Church Paradigm. Drucker who died in 2005 is best known as a guru of management based on General Systems Theory. He was a “muted Episcopalian”, who was influenced by German mysticism, Zen Buddhism, futurism[6], holism[7] and the existential philosophies of Soren Kierkegaard[8]


Francis Schaeffer warned evangelicals[9] 30 years ago that the philosophies[10] of Soren Kierkegaard were permeating liberal Protestant churches and encroaching upon evangelicalism. Schaeffer argued that as a result we would adopt a new theology of “manipulated synthesized mysticism” such as that found in purpose-driven theology[11] to fill the void. In the new theology use is made of certain religious words which have a connotation of meaning to those who hear them. Real communication is not in fact established, but an illusion of communication is given by employing words rich in connotations[12]. The phrase “Jesus Christ” when separated from history and scriptural content can easily be used to trigger actions and behaviour contrary to the teachings of Christ. We need to prepare ourselves against such manipulated semantic mysticism[13]

It would appear[14] that both the Emerging Church Movement and the Purpose Driven Church Paradigm are similarly characterized and are paving the way to the apostate church instigated by the Illuminati. There is compelling evidence for this as Rick Warren is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)[15] and Oxford Analytica[16], which are Illuminati /Masonic organisations[17]. Several people have asked me to confirm his interest and membership of CFR

Warren’s interest in the Council on Foreign Relations is not new. According to a CFR Annual Report [18] he attended New York meetings in 2006 and was, in fact, an important part of the program.

His membership of CFR was initially more ambiguous and all I can do is quote a reporter (Joe Farah) from World Net News.

“It was in the context of our debate over Warren’s characterization of Syria as a “moderate” country that provides religious freedom to Christians that I suggested the media’s favourite mega-pastor should have sought counsel from someone like me – a Christian journalist of Syrian and Lebanese heritage who has covered and analyzed the Middle East for the last 25 years.

Warren explained, somewhat condescendingly, that he had counselled with the National Security Council and the White House, as well as the State Department, before his little pilgrimage to Damascus.

”In fact,” Warren added, ”as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Oxford Analytica, I might know as much about the Middle East as you.”

I hadn’t asked about the CFR. I didn’t use thumbscrews to pry this information out of him. He volunteered this bombshell in a written communication”[19].

Later Saddleback church denied[20] to Joe Farah that Rick was a member of either organisation and they removed a video about Syria from their website.

Later still Warren confirmed[21] he is a member of the CFR. He said the organization “wanted more evangelicals” and he answered the call because Jesus calls believers to be salt and light in the world. He said his volunteer aide who answered e-mails on his behalf was mistaken.

In reality having temporarily failed to usher in its new global order by military force, the Illuminati has now decided to unleash a far greater power in pursuit of its goals, namely : “Global Spirituality” or universal consciousness. To achieve this, the Illuminati’s premier political and economic organ, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), has elevated to membership two key operatives, two men who are at the helm of America’s most influential Christian evangelical groups. I refer to Pastor Rick Warren, Saddleback Community Church in California, and Dr. Richard Land, reigning religious potentate of the massive Southern Baptist Convention[22].

I want to be part of a spirit-led church rather than a purpose-driven church that is paving the way to the apostate church predicated on a universal consciousness.

{Obama has asked Rick Warren to conduct his inauguration on 20th Jan. Obama is 33 deg Freemason (Prince Hall & Martinist Lodges) and a member of CFR. Obama like Bush has surrounded himself by CFR members}

[1] Goldwater, B 1979 With No Apologies, William Morrow Publishing, page.280.



[4] “Deceived on Purpose” by W Smith; “Driven away by Purpose” by D Chew

[5] Warren, R, 1995, The Purpose Driven Church: Growth Without Compromising Your Message & Mission, Zondervan page 130 and 138

[6] Discenment Research Group, 2005 Peter Drucker : Early Futurist

[7] The estoeric philosophy of holism is most evident in the cellular structure of the small groups that Warren is building.

[8] Steinfels, P 2005, A Man’s Spiritual Journey from Kierkegaard to General Motors

[9] Schaeffer, F 1968, The God Who is There, Downers Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press

[10] On the basis of this philosophy we can only achieve anything of real importance by a blind leap of faith and that we have no purpose or meaning – man is a machine

[11] Discernment Research Group 2005 Peter Drucker’s Existential Purpose

[12] Schaeffer, F 1968, The God Who is There, Downers Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press page 56

[13] Schaeffer, F 1968, The God Who is There, Downers Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press page 84

[14] “Outcome-Based Religion: Apostasy, Purpose, & the New Paradigm Church” by Mac Dominick

[15] “Who are the Illuminati” by L Porter; “Saucers of the Illuminati” by J Keith

[16] Oxford Analytica, is the first private-sector, overt, global intelligence network.

[17] The equivalent organisation in UK is “British Institute of International Affairs.”

[18] CFR Annual Report 2006 page 35

[19] Joe Farah World Net Daily 9/1/07

[20] Joe Farah World Net Daily 9/1/07

[21] Joe Farah World Net Daily 16/1/07

[22] Texe Marrs 2007

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