Response to Pictures

Response 1
Good morning, the Lord has clearly shown me that you’re called to unravel secrets which have been hidden, the sledge hammer is a representation of you destroying ancients artefacts and structures, the says the object resembles an obelisk, or in masonic terms The male organ which represents power and control, equally the compass, being encircled around. Masonry is global and I sense this is a warning  to inform you that you may have opposition in high places. Regarding research I sense that God will enlarge you internationally!  And finally God has given you foresight to read ancient laws and precepts regarding secret structures and buildings, I hear the word read Daniel/ Ezekiel and God will reveal to you timely words of confirmation. Every blessing John and thank you for believing in me. More Grace. 
Response 2
God has given you foresight and the ability to encode, he has given you the ability to see what others cannot see. He has given you favour to travel internationally and given you an apostolic grace to travel on missions. John, the opposition is world religions and practices as you travel.

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