shamar John Sally For thirty days plse declare these words i am somebody.I can-iwill-and i must eg be healed.For eg i can,iwill,imustpassmyexamsinJesusnamebecomesa seed. You are going to awaken something new. RegardingwhatyouseetheLordwill giveyoutheallclear.Whentospeakandwhennottoo.Youareblessed. PsasusualyoutooarespotonremeandE Thankyouforyourobedience totheLord.The Lordwantsyoutoknowthatyouare anatomthatcanneverdie.Withinthehierarchy ofanatombeinganneutron, to nucleus, toprotonandeverythingattached toityouareabletopenetrateany atmosphere orclimate.Hehastoldmethattheabuseyousuffered wasforyouto verbalise likefireshutupinyourbones.LikeJeremiahyou've beencalledto fightagainstinjusticeyetyou've beenappointedtowaitfortheLord.Yetbecause Moseswas upsethehittherocktwiceanddidnotmakeittothepromisedland.I heartheLordsaydonotgetfrustrated withpeopleiftheydon't respond. Your assignmentistodeliverthemessage.Sallyasaprophetess you're calledjustto speakwhatyou'retold.Plsereadlamentations. Instructionsforyou. ginger forgiveness likeJoseph- ridiculed for dream and gift -jealousy- lacked understanding - took lt personally In reality the gift is the making of you - your eyes have not seen nor ears heard what the lord has in store for her Sally arise in the power of his strength - too long have you remained in thismountain-possesyour land and shine - your past is dead your future is alive now - arise and go forth in my name John regal horse -honor(in church re legacy)headship - responsibilty of understanding - beneath us and beside us - She is not above me but beside you however she forgets that you are the head - being the head you have a greater understanding of her - The bible says women are the weaker sex - therefore my son follow my commands as i have instructed you - two cannot walk together unless they agree as the prophet and priest of your home like all men you are commanded to protect your wife from theserpentwhich adam failed to do -
prince shamar 16/05/15
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