A Gardner

Young at heart – a living testimony of God’s miracle in your life

You provide stability for your wife

The latter day glory of your house greater than the former


Picture of a tall strong vine growing upwards

You are the gardener* (usually God’s role)

You are to prune the vine

Be gracious to those who have gone wrong

Some people may not understand you


* gar’-d’-n-er (kepouros): “Gardener” occurs once in the English Versions of the Bible (Joh 20:15), the translation of kepos and ouros, “warden” or “keeper.” It is likely that the man referred to was the watchman or keeper (Arabic natur; Hebrew notser), corresponding to those mentioned in 2Ki 17:9; 18:8; Job 27:18, etc., and not one who did the manual labor. It is the common practice in Palestine today to set a watchman over a garden during its productive season.


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