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A Gardner

Young at heart – a living testimony of God’s miracle in your life

You provide stability for your wife

The latter day glory of your house greater than the former


Picture of a tall strong vine growing upwards

You are the gardener* (usually God’s role)

You are to prune the vine

Be gracious to those who have gone wrong

Some people may not understand you


* gar’-d’-n-er (kepouros): “Gardener” occurs once in the English Versions of the Bible (Joh 20:15), the translation of kepos and ouros, “warden” or “keeper.” It is likely that the man referred to was the watchman or keeper (Arabic natur; Hebrew notser), corresponding to those mentioned in 2Ki 17:9; 18:8; Job 27:18, etc., and not one who did the manual labor. It is the common practice in Palestine today to set a watchman over a garden during its productive season.


prince 26 nov 2015

prophetic team – foundation ministry – strategy – greater annointing – authoritarian
book – snakes in the temple –
prophetic intercessor –
spirirual mediate – no authority to confront

SPEAK OUT 14/05/15

John as you go forth in his name we take authority against Pride,we take authority against intimidation, intellectualism,  acute short sightedness. John the Lord says SPEAK OUT in truth. Praying with you.  Prince

Gatekeepers 09/05/15

Gatekeepers have three primary roles

  1. To protect the Lord’s house.  This means they defend the gospel, the truth of the Word and Protect the holiness of God’s house. Their hearts are on fire with the Fear of the Lord. They want the Lord’s house to be a house of Prayer and they are not content until they see the Lord’s will come to place. The gatekeeper protects the House. They know the scriptures well and are full of understanding. They are bold to speak out against the sins of the church- even if it means they will be mocked, hated or even kicked out of the church. They stay close to the House of the Lord
  2. They keep the Lord’s people on the right path, keeping them from drifting from the Lord. As a staff or sheepdog would keep the sheep together from straying, so the role of gatekeeper is the same. He is responsible to oversee the people, gently guide the drifter back and keep those on the threshold of evil paths from taking another step in the wrong direction. They are bold and not afraid to tell the truth of God;s word, knowing full well they are saving many from the fires of eternal hell.Theyare prayer warriors and intercessors for the people
  3. They keep watch for the master’s return; ready to usher in the King of Glory

Being a Voice




[from P]

being a voice – be the change i wish to see MG
be the voice you wish to hear
speak out – like jerimiah
ezek 33
cant injest word anymore

children in china xhaing or xiang sw china

asian heritage 16/04/15

16/4/2015 21:50

i hear the Lord say that he has given you honour and wants you and your wife to re synergise with people of Asian heritage. I am doing a new thi[Receiving Text]ghter i have placed in you prophetic art in your finger tips and songs in your spirit.
I want you to sing and dance unto me. Your health is in my care.  i am laughing over you. For i have given you knowledge like a compass to direct the loss. I want you to challenge the academic world with its learned blind. Man of God Declare a thing and it shall be established. Amen